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About Lama Kitchen

The Food of the Lama's couldn't have begun without a trip to the lamas..


It all began with our first trip to beautiful, mesmerizing and blessed Guru Dongmar Lake (17800 ft) Sikkim ... from where a part of us was never able to come back.















There were mountains , and Buddhist flags everywhere ... and through them visible the mystic meaning of the Himalayas... 


The inspiration of that energy , it's serenity , the flavor of fresh herbs and even the taste of tea made with spring water left an impression, that is reminiscent in us till today.

Well the experience did not stop there.. you've probably guessed, but it sparked an insatiable appetite for the Culture and lifestyles of the entire Indian North-East.


Lama Kitchen was thus born to bring back the experience of the Lamas, today to your heart... and they say the way to the heart is through the stomach. Why not eat and find out. 


Everyone from the Chefs, to the staff, to the ingredients, tea, every exotic vegetable, cured meats.. were all sourced from the mountains , just for your dining pleasure. 


Let the Himalayan Food Trip Begin !!

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